Last night there were classic electrical storms, (there were several times when we could see open space between the dog's feet and the floor) and the wind is still howling at dawn today. I have to run some errands this morning. Stop by "Krazy Bargains" the Pakistani department store. Pick up some Immigration renewal forms...things like that. I will get some "around town" type photos as a stop gap measure until we can get back in the ocean. Hopefully soon, but even if the boat was fixed we would not be out in these winds in it. We need a bigger boat. But ain't that always the way?
Here's another photo showing that line of rocks that were broken off and thrown up on the shoreline by the last major hurricane to come through here.

That silent line of broken rocks speak volumes to me of the fury and destruction this normally calm and shallow Caicos Bank is capable of when things go South.
Oh, and that's our future new neighbors-to-be's new 5,000 sq. foot waterfront house. It's right across the "street" from us, and they should be moving in within a few months, also.
For those of us who enjoy keeping up with the weather, I have a link to a great weather site. The TV guys give you a short form version of what the weather is doing with their own spin on it. Of course they are competing for ratings. But if you like to see all the data that they distill down into a few minutes, so you can make your own predictions, it's all there at including links to the latest sat images and all the computer models the TV guys just briefly mention. Some fascinating stuff.
Meanwhile, back in the jungle...

In the pic of you soon to be nieghbors house, did the shingles get blown off or are they not quite done the roof?
They are not done putting the tiles on. Those are stacks of them you can see in the photo.
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