We bought a "Brownie's Third Lung" hookah setup. It's a small gasoline powered compressor that floats on a tube, with hoses and regulators for three divers. We figured that most of the diving we want to do will be shallower than 30 feet, and we have enough hose sections to run the two of us to 60 feet. It means we do not have to handle SCUBA cylinders, and a half gallon of gasoline will run the hookah for four hours. So essentially, we have unlimited air.
"For Sale: Powerboat with permanent slip. Needs paint"
We don't know the story on this boat. It's been here since we first came down.
This is a typical view on a Sunday afternoon from the new house. People hand-lining from the rocks, boat traffic into the marina where we keep our boat. Our boat-slip is 890 yards from the house as the Cuban Crow flies...or 10.2 miles by road.... BAD road...
Any wreck hunting divers out there will probably appreciate this photo. That's a piece of split-shot on the left, and grape shot on the right..
Take the easy way down:
Malcolm Beach, Providenciales.
Stuff on a rock ( still life with water)?
Here's a photo of me shouting instructions about the anchor, as I headed for that wonderful stone ledge to find some gas, the first day we had our new boat in the water. It had the wrong fuel sender unit, and not only that, it was mounted upside down. So with the tank nearly empty, it told me it was nearly full.....oh man...try climbing that stuff barefooted...with the waves slapping your legs out from under you.
That's not as bad, or as stupid,as me running out of gas the second time, outside West Caicos, when I swam without flippers for almost an hour towing the boat in from 500ft. deep water thru the reef in waters famous here for sharks....but that's another story....
It's all fixed now. And I no longer trust gauges, I installed a Navman fuel computer...

Inside a cave on Middle Caicos...I think these 'wraparound' tree thingums are pretty cool:
Just cruised down to the boat to do some maintenance, you know...check the plugs, filters, grease all the fittings...anyhow did a few snaps on the way. This is the small freshwater lake that many historians believe Christopher Columbus describes in his log on his first journey. He refilled his casks here, according to local lore. Its located near the beach, and this island (Pine Cay) is one of the only ones here with good fresh water on the surface. I can find a link to the historical stuff if anyone is interested. Whats for sure is that during WWII submarines sent men ashore for fresh water here:
I don't have a clue. But there it is.
This started heading straight for me, and growing,while I had the Yamaha all opened up doing the plugs, filters, etc. At least i saw it coming:
I was just outside a while ago, getting ready to grill some Cero Mackerel while some acorn squash was baking, and noticed the thunderstorms had moved off to the WSW...guess they were probably bombarding Great Inagua up in the Bahamas by sunset. I snapped a couple photos, but there's only so much I can reach with this little pocket digital. Still, you can get an idea:
Roadside turnout:
Pine Cay. They have a Nature Walk, too. It's not bad.
Pine Cay highway system.
Finally got some vinyl letters and stuck the name on the sides of the console and stern of the Andros. of course "Cay" is pronounced the same as "Key" (and "Quay") here. Guess its a British thing.
Been wanting to find one of those places who will custom-make a vinyl name for us, and get some made big enough to go on the side of the hull. Design I want would probably be close to this:
I need to find a graphic of a slice of lime to go with it. Houses have names, here. Of course, most roads DON'T have name, and there are no house numbers or addresses. No mail delivery, either, just PO boxes. We are thinking the new house will be named something like "Limestone" or similar. And we plan to get a lime green T-top made for the boat, in keeping with the lime theme.
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