Now,back to our Friday visit to Turtle Cove, here is an image of the dining area and bar of the Tiki Hut restaurant:

The Tiki Hut is a local favorite, and is just one of the restaurants at the marina. I have already mentioned SharkBite, and there are several others. I think we have tried all of them that are directly on the water, except the Banana Boat. We just haven't gotten around to it, yet.
The boats at the marina this week include this beauty, the M/Y "Patience":

The home port for "Patience" is Bikini. That must have been a fun trip, from the far Pacific to the TCI. I think I can honestly say that I have never seen the Bikini, or Marshall Island flag before. At least not that I know of. I am curious about the boat, of course. I did a Google search on "Bikini Atoll" and read this:
"Today, while the people of Bikini have yet to resettle their homeland, the island is populated by Bikini Atoll Divers employees (some of whom are Bikinians), Bikini Project Department construction workers, and some U.S. Department of Energy staff. There is, however, a large population of Bikinians living elsewhere in the Marshall Islands and overseas who hope to have the ability to return to their homeland someday soon. "
So I tried looking up info for the "Patience" and found nothing. I had noted the pennant on the bow said "Marlow Explorer", and searching that brought up an excellent website for the yacht manufacturer, but no info on "Patience" herself. Oh well. Another of life's little mysteries, for now.
Here's a stern view:

showing that great looking flag. I also noticed the outboard on that RIB tender. Man, that little thing must fly!!
One of the largest boats in Turtle Cove at the moment is the 134 foot "Bossy Boots":

I read online that this boat did a stint as a dive boat in the Galapagos. Man, that must be some comfy dive boat.
Another of the larger boats here at the moment is the "SeaQuest":

All I know about it is that it is an 130 ft. Westport,owned by an American. Beautiful boat, and it's pretty humbling to realize that we would have a hard time carrying their forward fender in our little Andros panga. Then again, we don't see their fuel bills, either.
I could not find any info on the American flagged "Nazmar":

But it looks to me like a boat set up to cruise cold waters.
Not all the boats at the marina are the big luxury yachts. There are plenty of smaller sportfishermen and special purpose boats. Many of the smaller ones tie up near the Tiki Hut. I like the attitude on this Mako center console, "Buzz Off":

Here's one of the local fishing charter power catamarans. I believe this is the boat used by "Bite Me" fishing excursions.

The cruising sailboats don't seem to be down here in any abundance yet this season. I am assuming the ones that started heading south from North America are still in the Bahamas, and the boats that spent hurricane season down in Trinidad haven't made it up yet, either. But in another month we would expect to see a few more 40 foot. catamarans tied up next to this local trimaran "Minx":

And of all the boats presently at Turtle Cove, this is the one that caught my imagination more than any other, the motorsailor "Lily May":

The only info I could find online was a reference to a boat of this name as a 38 foot monohull out of Maryland, USA. But there's something about this boat that speaks to me. It's got that whole "Adventures in Paradise" or "Tales of the South Pacific" thing going on. I like the idea of a boat that is comfortable enough to live on, can run under it's own power at a reasonable speed, and can put the sails up when you want some peace and quiet, or to save fuel, or because you are waiting on parts. This would be the type of boat I think we would be most likely to look at if we were not totally enamored of sailing catamarans. It strikes me as the kind of boat someone who likes Land Rovers would appreciate.
Thanks for stopping by again. I see you dug into a few older posts and found my Death Becomes Us one.
Sometimes I am serious, sometimes...nah! Have to have fun once in a while. But blogging certainly is a great way to get things off your chest.
Keep bringing the beautiful pictures. I look at them and remember my week down at St. John...just looking at the water is seductive! I took a picture of a boat in one of the small bays down there. When I came home and developed the film, the water was so clear, the boat appeared to be floating in air. That was very cool!
Hee hee. Gringo, about the "cold weather" boat and no info., you got fixated on Nazmar. Look at your own pic, and Google "Nazdar" Custom Hargreave, built by Loren Bell, 1973, currently for sale on YachtWorld.
Keep up the good work.
hey trish here..... actually that power catamaran is owned by a french guy that is a really great fisherman catching mostly big yellowfin tunas and wahoo off far places like french cay and west sand spit. he comes down once a month and just goes out and fishes for like 3 days straight catches as much fish as he can and then takes it all back up to france with him. the boat is called Jessy and that is acutally the exact same boat that ed of catch the wave is trying to buy for me to take people out on deep sea fishing trips.... the boat that bite me runs is usually parked behind that boat near the fillet table.
Hi Malicious,
Glad you found the "buried" comment. I guess we all have our random acts of seriousness!
Oh well, Back to real life, heh, heh, heh... Somewhere back on an old post we have a picture of a stick floating on the water and the only way that you can tell it's on the water is its shadow. (It was a boat trip on the Caicos Banks - I couldn't make the link work)
Hey Trish!
Long time no "see" - thanks for the info on the boats. Didn't someone tell me that you used to work out of Turtle Cove?
Hey, how's the fishing? We trolled for a couple of hours today and nothing! Not a strike and not even a barracuda. are right. Thanks!
And I remembered a different boat being at Bite Me last time I was there, so that makes sense, too.
That's a nice boat!! Little step up from the World Cat, isn't it?
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