Now that's a pretty decent little Snapper. And you just KNOW it's a recent photo, because Trish is all decked out in her winter coat. I bet the sea temp is probably down to around 82. It IS winter here, you know. (I just checked, right now its 10:00 PM and the outside temp is down to 74 deg. F. so it was probably near 80 when that photo was taken. Is she a local, or what...)
When it gets down to around 70-75 degrees during the day, the leather jackets and warm hats will come out. I am not joking.
Okay, what I started to post here was just a couple recent photos of the house we are building. I have been playing with taking series of photos and doing that panorama thing. We always seem to do the same parts of the house, so this time I got two areas we have basically ignored. This first one is the inside of the garage/workshop:

There are two standard size 8' wide garage doors on the left, and a single 10' wide door on the right side. This photo distorts it, the ten foot door lines up with the nearest 8 ft. door. The post is in the middle. Here's a close up of the far end without the distortion:

The area from the post to the far side is slated to be mine, all mine!! (insert maniacal laughter here) That's where I plan to put together a decent little workshop. I haven't drawn up the plans yet, but will likely be greasy motor stuff to the right, wood working stuff to the left. That's so that the prevailing wind will blow the sawdust right out the door and down the hill, and not stick it to the greasy metal stuff. Also, there is a utility sink going in on the left side of the shop. Not a bad view. Should be a nice,peaceful place to butcher expensive wood and mumble expletives without offending anyone.
The ceiling is ten feet high. I asked for a center beam strong enough to chain-hoist a V-8 out of truck (or an outboard off a transom) if need be. The ten foot wide door is so that an 8 ft. beam boat on a trailer will fit inside. We will also be able to drive straight through that half of the garage, and of course like everything else here it's meant to capture the constant sea breeze.
Between the garage and the foundation of the house we have this area we don't know what to call. It's essentially just a covered walkway, but it's sort of roomy:

That's La Gringa talking with H. (our architect, and yeah, his name is "H") about what we could be doing with this space. So far, it's up for grabs. Might be a good place for a guest bedroom. Or just put some hammocks in here.
While we were looking around inside, H pointed out a large Erebus moth. They are common here, and we've heard the locals call them "money moths":

The story is that if one of them touches your head, you are in for some money. When we heard this, La Gringa said, "Hey! What room was that moth touching?"
And sure enough...it was in our little "water closet" or as us nautical types call it"the head"!! I know it's a technicality, but hey, a money moth DID touch my 'head'...
Wow! That is one nice fish Trish is holding, wouldn't mind hooking up with one like that myself!
Do you folks have any idea when you might get into your new house? It sure looks nice, but the work shop won't be big enough! Never is! I have 900 sq. ft. and its not enough! I am only kidding about the work shop! My wife and I both are packrats and we keep a lot of junk that we should throw away! I am sure your workshop will serve you well Gringo!
Its a great looking house and I know you will both be comfortable and happy there, and what a view!
Thanks for another great article and pictures! Your part of the world is a place that I knew existed, but never heard a lot about! Your blog is both informative and educational!
Hope you and La Gringa find tons of treasure with the new metal detector! Looks like you all have already found the best treasure, the TCI!
Good luck and post some more pictures of Trish and her fish, if possible!
Thanks again--Take care--
yeah it was a lucky day and we actually caught a couple me and my boyfriend but occassions like these come very rarely and a full moon helps alot. you just have to know a good spot where the big guys cross pass and throw a bit of chum out and some lines with a good size chunk of bait, put your rod in the rod holder and wait.... kinda feel like your in the movie 'jaws' at this point and sometimes it can be a shark that takes the bait or sometimes it can be one of these guys and i'll tell you what either or on 10 pound test line.... your gonna have a good battle!!!!!
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