Dawn at the Golf Course:

In the summer here, its off-season. Plenty room at the slip.

The cloudy looking swirls are salt crystals forming in tidal pools after the high tide:

And I'll tell ya whut...walking on this stuff will toughen up yer bare feet, I don't care who y'are. not to mention that its somewhere around 16 million degrees Fahrenheit..
I bet this thread will look a whole lot better around Jan-Feb...I do have some winter pics from here, but they don't look much different. La Gringa Suprema puts on a windbreaker at night sometimes on the beach. Lowest temp we saw this past winter was 63 deg. one night. Winter before it was 64. But those frigid cold snaps don't last but a day or so. Then its back to the high 60's-low 70's at night, and in the upper mid 80's during the day. Hottest month here is September.
This was taken in mid-February:

I think I wore a long-sleeve t-shirt one night, but we were out late and it was windy..I think that was about when I started moving from flip flops to Crocs, too...
Getting wimpy in my old age I guess.
We just spent the last few days moving out of the condo we have been staying in for two years...into a house where we will stay until our new place is completed. Been playing with the camera trying to get a full moon photo. I sure wish I could find the manual for the camera..

Boated back to Pine Cay this afternoon. Tied up at the concrete fuel dock at Leeward. I don't think they teach how to tie-up to the ghost of a cleat in Seamanship 101....

But it works, (although I wouldn't want to leave it unattended for long):

The newer cleats are much more high-tech:

I DO wish I had thought to have Andros add a couple more pop-up cleats forward of the console, though. Its a pain not being able to hang a fender up there to keep the boat off the concrete. And I don't dare use the bow line...it pulls the rub rail right into the concrete.
Wonder if anyone makes cleats with suction cups.
Our new living room ceiling as of yesterday....

Here's what our future rear patio looked like yesterday:

After a squall:

Boat, tree, beach.....works for ME....

Here's a Tropic Bird. They nest in the cliffs in the spring.

'Nuther crowded beach, boats everywhere...noisy......not..

Reckon the anchor helped? It drew 9 ft. of water, and its sitting in 5 ft. over two miles out on the banks..
Relatively clear water..

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