The inside roof is cypress. This is the Master Bedroom area, and there will be a loft over the bathroom, etc. Notice there is zero wood anywhere near the ground in the entire house. No rot. no termites. Most of the house is steel reinforced concrete block and poured concrete. We are designing for hurricanes.
Other people had questions about some of the underwater photographs. The dolphin hit a chord with people familiar with "JoJo". He is famous in the TCI as a curious, people friendly wild dolphin that hangs out around Provo startling swimmers.
I don't know if that's Jo Jo or not. We see lots of these guys this time of year...we saw three last week in a group, one just a baby. Everyone says its Jo Jo, but who knows, really.
This is what he looked like right before I jumped over the side with the camera. he scooted away, but came right back to check me out.

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